Aurora Doghorse (Commission Sold)

Aurora the doggo was modded for Kevin (CALI, USA) 6 / 13 / 2019

This big dog plush was sent to me in used condition. Its arm and shoulder were torn open so I sew that all back together again, all fixed. (check photo gallery)

The plush came with 3 SPHS premodded into it from someone else.. customer had me remove the premods, The muzzle was sewn shut and the two SPHS in its backside were removed.

Replaced those sphs with one V2 SPH using gray fashion faux fur material to fit the duel mare sex toy. The SPH also comes with a hidden zipper so the mod can be made incognito while not in use.

If you would like your own plush modded contact me at HAWTFUR@GMAIL.COM … Thanks for viewing!
