Unfortunately due to me being in and out of the hospital the past few days since Tuesday (FEB 11th).. current plush mods will be having a slight delay coming out.. I found out after I sustained injuries from my exams, xrays and mris that I have two really bad herniated discs in my lower back (L4 and L5).. that is causing many issues.. I am not able to stand or walk currently… You may still /contact/ me if you wish and I am taking donations for medical bills if you are feeling generous enough… Just giving an update I’ll edit this post when possible.. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Pray for me.
Edit: 2/19/2020 I just got back and able to walking some, since last Tuesdays incident. I have started modding again periodically as well today and will send commissions out when I can. Thanks for the thoughts and prays.
3/2/2020 Update: I am doing better. Still hurting but recovering. Going back to a normal modding schedule but have a number of plushies to get caught up on. Please bear with me during this process and thank you.
5/26/2020 Update: Depends on the day/week working with restricted movement and pain in my back, just trying to be careful not to get re-injured and regain core strength while getting back into stretching and exercising.
6/26/2020 Update: I am doing much better now and back to walking and modding plushies like normal! thanks so much for the support!