Star (Commission Sold)

Star sold to Ethan 12 / 9 / 2012
(Scroll down for photo gallery)

A mystical beautiful pony from the stars..
star rides out into the universe with her leather metal reins..
nice saddle for riding on top of too!

This is kinda like mod v1.5 as the sph is sewn into the plush but a zipper has also been added she has a 12″ concealable bright pink satin SPH that can be zipped up of course, hidden from prying eyes! plenty big enough to fit guys or fleshlights =)

Sorry for so many images haha I really get carried away doing these photo shoots Im sure you guys will understand =D

If you would like to commission a plush contact me! HAWTFUR@GMAIL.COM Thanks for viewing!



Edit: 6 / 6 / 2020 This is your otterplush self from the future. Due to filesize limitations I am now archiving these photos offsite. Big thanks to imgbox! (Might have to set “desktop view” if on mobile devices to view the image gallery below.)