Wild Republic Wolves For Altair (Commissions Sold)
These Wild Republic Brand Wolf Plushies were commissioned For Altair (Canada) 6 / 6 / 2023
These Wolves were already premodded by another modder so as requested from the customer the “tailhole” mods from both plushies were removed and replaced by my K9 Cookie SPH both using black lush plush and sized to fit the customer.
The tailhole mod from one plush was taken out and replaced the pussy hole of that same plush. The forpaws were spider web stitched with threading so that stuffing wont come loose and slide down its forarms. The back legs were sewn onto these plushies so they arent flopping around anymore. Stuffing was also added to make firmer as requested.
If you would like your own plush modded contact me at HAWTFUR@GMAIL.COM … Thanks for viewing!