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Best speak my mind while I have the opportunity to do so, I just wanted to thank you guys so much sorry it’s been awhile since my last update but.. a lot has been going on mostly in the back end of things, updating a lot of the plushies pages, as well as the commissions page with a new video, many more images & bits of changes to the details.

Now as far as custom plushies I’ve been working on.. Umbreon I just finished the other night, I am very proud of this one (: as you can see in her profile page.

Lucario will be next coming in from another customer and a big wolf! as well hehe

Be sure to check out my page on furbuy for other toys I will be selling now!

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Royal Flush

I have been sick ): but I am getting better now!
*edit NVM I am sick as a dog AGAIN*
*double edit yay I am better again!*

Wanted to show off some new colors I can do for the satin SPHS! so if you wanna bing bing up your plush let me know!

I will have some more plushies going up for sale hopefully soon on furbuy so make sure to keep your eyes out on that!