Tasha (Commission Sold)

Sold to Jorlack. (TX USA)

If you would like this Yukon plush husky here it is for sale!

This is the awesome new Aurora Yukon plush that I'm sure you've all seen at least a couple of times here on HawtFur.. it is a very popular plush!

Modded with a v2 bright pink satin SPH, its 10 inches deep so it can fit guys or fleshlights and of course what it was made for the Bad Dragon nastausa husky toy!

Went a little photo happy because I still have that gen one mush from Aurora so I wanted to compare the newer husky with the old.

I wanted to also give it a little white matching bandana to dress it up! I am gonna start doing this with peoples orders adding little accessories and such to make each plush custom, it will become 'their plush' :3

If you would like this plush modded or one of your own make sure to contact me at HAWTFUR@GMAIL.COM … Thanks for viewing!
